spray can

英 [ˈspreɪ kæn] 美 [ˈspreɪ kæn]

n.  喷雾罐; 喷漆罐



  1. 喷雾罐;喷漆罐
    a small metal container that has paint in it under pressure and that you use to spray paint onto sth


    1. 喷雾器;喷漆罐
      A spray can is a small metal container containing liquid such as paint under pressure so that it can be sprayed.


      1. A nicotine spray can help smokers quit the habit without putting on weight
      2. Spray can not be turned into the new China will be singing the songs around the clock;
      3. If the active tool is a spray can, for example, the program enters Spray Can mode and it can only spray.
      4. When objects require spray coating or spray welding, the user can close the high-pressure oxygen gas valve and open the powder feeding valve ( 4), so the hot spray device can work.
      5. Mohammed Ali ( Graffiti Artist): You can't go to school and they'll show you how to use a spray can.
      6. Use spray can spray equality, improve the work efficiency, and effectively control the disease and insect in time.
      7. In addition an effective insecticide spray can be used to eradicate the problem.
      8. Under any circumstances, air-assisted spray can effectively cut down the drift droplets.
      9. The spray gun can work normally in a high-temperature steel pipe, and has the advantages of simple structure and convenient use.
      10. Flow and heat transfer of spray cooling can be reflected by a droplet spreading coefficient, which is dependent on the droplet initial size and velocity.
      11. A considerable amount of spray action can be seen in waterfalls and in windblown surf.
      12. Spray nozzle can be shut down when it is not in need for spraying and cleaning.
      13. Levofloxacin spray compound can be timely and effective improvements in patient sore throat mucous membranes, congestion, cough, dry itching and other symptoms.
      14. It is also very important to ensure that your spray skirt can be removed with great ease in an emergency.
      15. This spray can rid your house of bugs.
      16. Using lower concentration spray twice can increase the selenium content.
      17. I have here a spray paint can which is suspended between two springs, and I can oscillate it vertically, which is your x direction, like that.
      18. This product comes in an aerosol spray can and is safe for use on plastic, plexiglass and window tint film.
      19. Through simulation tests, the effects of lubrication methods on its wear properties are investigated and results show that the spray lubrication can reduce its wear volume.
      20. The spray system can't be corrupted or polluted by NaOH solution mixed with aqueous and EG.
      21. In order to solve the pollution of fungicide, accurate prediction and warning technology must be developed, accordingly the most appropriate occasion and amount of spray can be determined.
      22. Starting with the method and objectives of salt spray test, this paper discusses how salt spray test can show the quality of gold plated layer. In addition, combined with the micro battery corrosive theory, We put forward the mechanism of salt spray test.
      23. CONCLUSION: Beclometasone nasal spray can make the nasal polypus to disappear, shrink or delay recurring.
      24. Using these experimental results, heat transfer performance in spray cooling can be optimized.
      25. Experiment results indicate: application of conical spray nozzle can effectively improve the form of homogeneous premixed gas in cylinder before ignition and it has the potential of extending in small swept volume diesel engine with inter-cooling and high pressure electronic-controlled injection;
      26. By taking calculated measures, alterations in the mechanism of interaction between the geometry, internal flow and spray can be made, that result in the improvement of engine behaviour.
      27. Droplets evaporation during spray process can be simulated more accurately by using the present model.
      28. Humidifying spray device can obviously decrease the back pressure. In this paper the calculation of economic water amount for air cooling spray humidification system was carried out.
      29. The results show that: according to the axial direction, the spray structure of flash boiling spray can be classified into follows: spray initial core region; main body region of flash boiling spray; vortex ring formation region.



      1. a dispenser that holds a substance under pressure and that can release it as a fine spray (usually by means of a propellant gas)

          Synonym:    aerosolaerosol containeraerosol canaerosol bomb